I love living in a motorhome! 5 reasons

5 Oct 2021 For venturavan. In Sin categoría Comments (0)

Motorhomes allow us to enjoy our day to day in a different way. It is a lifestyle that allows us to connect more closely with nature and appreciate the greatness of small things, such as having a good coffee watching the sunset, for example.There are many reasons to choose to travel or why not?

Live in a motorhome, here we leave just a few:

1. Traveling in a motorhome is healthy

Physical and mental health are favored, since we spend more time outdoors, in new places that attract our attention and motivate us to continue with the travel itinerary.

Activities such as hiking, biking or playing tennis among many others, in addition to being fun, can be practiced with family or friends and are ideal to keep us fit and in a good mood.

2. Makes us value what really matters

You will live in a more efficient way, paying attention to the budget, which will mean greater savings in expenses. Aspects such as having hot water for showering or rationing drinking water for drinking and cooking are valued.

In a certain way, you begin to have a notion of all the resources that we often squander and do not value on a daily basis, living at an accelerated rate in cities. Respect for nature and the resources it offers us is generated.

3. You can travel without limits

You have the freedom to go where you want. You can choose to go to the beach, to the mountains or to travel paths that are not in the usual tourist itinerary. You can visit remote places that still have a lot of virgin nature and where there are no hotels, but for you that is not a problem because you carry the house on your back.

You can even take a Ferry ride and continue to visit places, since the sea is not a limitation. You can adjust the trip according to your budget and live a unique experience.

4. New sensory experiences

You will hear new sounds at dusk and dawn, of birds and animals. You will be able to enjoy new views and you will be part of the entire natural environment that surrounds you. Without a doubt, that experience is priceless.

5. Activate your social life

Being in constant geographical movement and with new people, you can forge very good friendships. The road can make you meet many interesting people.

The exchange of experiences can also teach you a lot about motorhome and can even help you plan new routes that you did not have in mind yet.

In these times, social life is very important and every opportunity we have to connect with other people who have the same hobbies should be taken advantage of, cheer up!

