Surf Fuerteventura How to Avoid Injuring Yourself

24 Oct 2018 For venturavan. In Sin categoría Comments (0)

We already know that you love the waves and that every day of surfing is unique, especially if you practice it in a paradisiacal place like Fuerteventura is. Its people, typical food and amazing waves are the perfect combo to return to the island and surf on its beautiful beaches all year round.

Today we will give you some small but important tips to take into account to prevent injuries and so you can enjoy to the fullest, having fun in the extensive and little crowded Majoreras beaches.

"Surf Fuerteventura How to Avoid Injuring Yourself"

Lesions prevention tips

The first thing is to make a good warm up of all the muscles, to reduce the risk of injuries while surfing. Jog in a gentle way to gradually increase the heart rate. The benefits of warming up before you jump into the water are several that include supplying more oxygen to the blood by increasing blood flow.

Remember to have breakfast before going out to catch waves. A light but healthy breakfast will provide you with the energy you need to start your day and live it to the fullest. This way you will avoid suffering from fatigue, some hypoglycemia or dehydration.

Good nutrition is vital for every surfer, as it helps replenish the energy and water necessary after an intense day of sports. You must have a diet that includes foods rich in protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates. It incorporates whole grain flours, grains, fruits, and reduces the intake of sugars and industrial pastries. These small changes will make a big difference in the performance on the waves and your overall health.

Hydration is also fundamental and of utmost importance to the surfer. Sun exposure for many hours added to physical activity, are the main triggers of dehydration. It is recommended to drink half a liter of water 1 hour before getting on the table and then hydrate every 15 or 20 minutes. Be careful with the days of extreme heat, dehydration is a great cause of the decrease in sports performance in summer.

Stretching will help you have flexibility and dynamism to move like a fish in water, reducing the likelihood of injury. Practicing Yoga or Pilates movements is very beneficial for physical and mental health.

There are specific exercises to strengthen shoulders and prevent the typical injury of all surfers. Pay attention to the position you have on the table because if you do it incorrectly you can damage and overload your muscles.

Do not train every day, give yourself a break allowing a recovery period. Try to maintain a regular sleep pattern. A rested body reacts effectively to the effort and energy expenditure that means to be surfing daily, for hours.

