Health in surfers

24 Aug 2020 For venturavan. In Sin categoría Comments (0)

We all know that doing sports is very healthy, whether on land, sea, air… being active is very good for our physique and also for the mind. I think that is not in doubt, but it is true that each activity has its risks and long-term wear and tear. Surfing is no exception and that is why today we will talk about some side effects that this practice causes."Health in surfers"

Common health problems in surfers

Maybe you have been surfing for years and feel some ailments that you do not even relate to the practice of this sport, you may find out now because it is something very common, anyway, if you do not feel identified with this post, at least already you will have the information in case at any time you start to have symptoms.

The surfer’s elbows

The syndrome known as “surfer’s elbow” produces inflammation, pain and weakness in the tendons or muscles of the forearms. It is a common condition derived from surfing.

The medial epicondyle refers to the internal area of ​​the elbow, this, together with the muscles, suffers wear and tear that causes small tears due to the repeated movement when rowing.

An effective way to prevent this problem is by doing stretches and exercises to strengthen the area.

Surfer’s lumbar pain

It can be due to several causes; one of them is muscle weakness. It is necessary to strengthen the entire pelvic and gluteal area to prevent the back from taking an arc shape and thus predisposing to later lumbar pain. One of the most recommended activities is Pilates.

If you have bad body posture …

It will undoubtedly be an addition to take into account when surfing, because if you already suffer from this problem, when sitting, lying down or standing on the board, the lower back will be resentful due to your usual incorrect posture. Correcting it requires discipline, but it is possible to do it, consult your physiotherapist.

If you are learning, do it from the hand of a professional

It is always convenient to have a good surf instructor, at least take a couple of initial classes to guide you and explain basic things, including the correct position when surfing, because it requires technique and knowledge, especially to avoid future injuries

Surfer’s Eye or eye cataracts

This is a common evil among surfers. The eye cataracts  are known to almost everyone, however, the surfer’s eye not so much. It consists of an eye irritation formed by a transparent or pink film that appears in the inner area of ​​the eyes and spreads over time.It can cause itching and irritation, but the worst thing is that as it progresses it can cause lack of vision. It is reversible through eye surgery.

To avoid reaching these serious conditions, it is best to always surf with good protection sunglasses, placing lubricating drops in the eyes to avoid dryness.

Do you know of other common health problems in surfers?



